At the bottom of this update is the list of all of those who are in the “Thank You” section. If you are supposed to be on the list (backers of $10 or more and $5 backers), please check that your name is on the list and spelled correctly.
We are still doing changes to the comic book, but we are very close!

The entire family is helping
Down to 3 printers
We have narrowed down our printer search to 3 printers. The fact that Christmas is a crazy time for printers has made it hard to get return emails and phone calls. We will have a new printer chosen by the 1st of 2013. Once that is figured out we will have a new time line for having the physical copy of the Comic and sending all of you your awesome rewards.
We did get a rough copy from one of the printers we are looking at!
.PDF copies
You will receive you digital copy of the comic book on the 20th or 21st. Our plan is to start sending them out tomorrow evening but the fact we have around 50 emails to send out, I know Google gets a little weird about sending that many out within an hour. So, if you do not receive your .pdf version in your email box by December 22, you can email me directly at jasonloveslife (at) gmail (dot) com to let me know. Please check your spam filter before emailing me.
Thank You Section name list
Please confirm this is how you want your name to appear. If there is a mistake or you would like to change/adjust please contact me at jasonloveslife (at) gmail . com
or contact me through Kickstarter.
Barbara Richter
Melissa Morrow
Kenny Anderson
Christopher Kuiper
Brad dancer
Nancy Gibson
Alan Bell
Timothy Ziegenhagen
Sanjay Paidisetty
Jeffrey Michael Mangen
Geoff White
Jacob Peek
Julie Buckles
Alison Spaude
Kyle Robinson
Jason Ford
Ashleigh McGuire
Kelsey Fredricksen
This Guy.
Kevin Myers
Jeffrey Riddle
Mark Grass
Jeremy Boone
Robert Vela
Tommi Small
Heather Rux
Rosalie T. Baumeister
Kevin Smith
Alex Denton
Loyal Mehnert
Jeff Lang
Josh Yochem
Cindy Bendix
Eliazar de la Tierra
Mike Brenner
Thomas Krech