We are working on a new product that teaches you how to animate using inexpensive equipment (most of which you already own) and free software (which is already on your computer).

To get this product ready we just need a little information from you. This survey should only take 5 minutes and would really help us out.

You can follow the link

or take the survey below.

I am working on doing animation workshops this Summer.
Here is my general promotional poster.

Animation Workshop

It has been a lot of working lining these workshops up, but will be a lot of fun!



Jason Loves Life LogoSix months ago I put the question to my twitter followers:

What Podcasts are you listening to?

I asked this to my twitter followers and here is what they had to say:

The Jason Loves Life Podcast

Of course I have to promote my own show. I talk to artists on how to make a living creating art that you care about.

The Wombmates

My fellow Wisconsinites and friends in podcasting. Their show has a wide variety of interviews with fellow geeks on a wide variety of topics like comic books, video games, T.V and movies

My Mom Saw Me Naked….

Each and every week @TheNaked_Nerd & his mom (@dittzyd) discuss movies, TV, entertainment news and video games!

Night Vale Radio

We are working on the Kickstarter Campaign Right now, but while we are getting that up you can join the mailing list to stay up-to-date!

In case you haven’t had a chance yet, you are going to want to sign up for the Madman of Magic Mailing List. It is separate from my Jason Loves Life List in that it just focuses on my comic book.

You can sign up to get updates on the upcoming Kickstarter Campaign.

I apologizeThere are certain blogs that I check religiously.

At least once a week I go and see what’s going on with the author, maybe checkout the comments, and always get a lot of valuable information from them.

This is my goal for this blog. I want to be that for the webcomic creators, digital story tellers, and independent artists looking to make a living utilizing the internet. For those that are in any of those categories, I feel I have let you down.

My summer posts:

These are all the posts I published this summer.

Besides the two podcasts episodes (8 & 9), the other posts were not really written to help you (my readers). Instead they were self indulgent.

For that I apologize.



The reason for my sudden drop off in blogging is for two important reasons.

  1. I make my living as a balloon twister and magician. The summer months are very busy for my industry.
  2. I am experimenting with Niche Sites as a way to fund my comic books and film projects. Doing this takes up a lot of my time now, but should give me a lot of freedom in the near future.


This is my promise to start writing regularly.