I have a strong desire to update this website’s design and update the look of compulsivecreative.com. As a way to prepare, I am sharing my process for overhauling the look and design of a WordPress site.
It is a simple 8 steps process.
1) Look at other sites for reference
Go to websites you love and search for new blogs to see what you like and don’t like about each. I make a list of features, designs, column styles, etc. that I like on other sites and what I hate.
For example, the blog http://designshack.net/. I like the side panel and how it is designed but I hate that it is on the left of the page. People will read it first because their eyes go there, but it should be on the right side of the page like all other blogs.
Update: they recently switched their panel to the right side.
2) Determine your site’s purpose