I found Kings of Overgrove through twitter (@
KingsOvergrove) while looking for other independent comic book creators. Kings of Overgrove caught my attention because the creator is giving away half his graphic novel for free. He also created a motion comic he published on YouTube.
The Website
What I love
From the first look at the website, we can tell that Kings of Overgrove is special. The site has a great design that reflects the story, is easy to navigate, promotes the viewer to share the site, and allows for comments. You can’t ask for anything more from a website. It looks great and it does its job!
For those of you who read this blog for my articles on Internet Marketing for Artists or are starting your own online comic book, you can probably learn a lot from this site. If you’re putting together your online portfolio, promoting your project, or publishing an online series this is a great website to explore before creating your own.