Your Web Comic Must Be Great

You just started a web comic and you’re very excited!!!

The Negative news for the new web-comic creator

Sorry to tell you, but you’re not special. Nobody knows the exact numbers of web comics that currently exist, but I have heard the number 40,000 thrown around by several of my peers. Of those 40,000 there are probably 2,000 that are good, regularly updated, and able to make any money from their efforts.

This means the slogan “if you build it, they will come” is not an option for web comics. You are not going to have bloggers, reporters, or even your friends asking to interview you or begging to put your link on their site. People don’t care that you started a web comic, but they are always interested in reading great content.

This means your web comic has to be as good as you can make it.

If you are not prepared to work your butt off you must accept the fact this comic book or web comic you want to make is going to be a hobby. Something you do once in awhile.  A Website people will check out every now and than.

It will not accidently become a full time career. You can turn your hobby site into a career if you work hard enough at it, but the myth of you making millions while having fun creating a few images is not the reality.

The Positive news for the new web-comic creator

The Good News about there being 40,000 web comics online is that you are not alone.

You do not have to create your own path. Instead you can see what others have done, talk with other creators, and plan using their failures and successes.

I assume that is why you read this blog. To learn from others is very important in an over-saturated market place like web comics. You need to learn from Comic Book Creators, Online Marketers, Sales People, Business People, Artists, Web Designers, Your Friends, Your Fans, Your Family,,, You need to constantly learn. Not everyone is doing that, which means by reading this blog you already have an edge.

The Reality for the web-comic creator

Creating a comic book takes a long time, creating a following takes a long time, and making money from your followers is going to take a long time. The Reality is: Making a living off your comic book is going to take forever.

Okay not forever, but you need to expect it to take at least a year, maybe two, five, or your lifetime.

This is a sad fact but you also have to remember:

Every moment you waste is a moment you missed of living your dream.


Get off your ass and work on your comic!