Why Daily Vlogging?

On our Jason Loves Life YouTube channel, we have decided to give this daily Vlogging thing a try.

We did post daily for a week back when we were in Washington DC. That was really hard because I was editing the video in Adobe Premiere, adding sound effects, finding music, and creating a lot of montage like sequences. The results were not more views.


Daily Equals Less Views

Unfortunately, doing daily vLogs means fewer views per video. How it will affect our overall view count over time or our subscriber numbers. It is impossible to say right now. It also means the quality of my videos will diminish. Which also has an influence on views.

Highly Edited Video’s Views

A Lot of Views

Views in November from our highly edited and most popular video.


Daily Vlogging Video’s Views

Daily Vlogging = Little views

Views in November for one of our “Daily Vlogging” videos.

I will still be creating the occasional highly polished (or at least time consuming) video when I can fit it into my schedule. Those are important for our channel to continue to bring new people onto our channel. The well thought out videos that are designed to keep people engaged are the cornerstone of a great vLog and are the most shared of all my videos.

Also, they are a lot of fun to make.


Getting more views is not my goal with this experiment. If it were, I would focus on creating videos designed for searches on YouTube or create my own version of popular viral videos.

Instead, I am looking for a daily journal of my family’s life. I see other family Vloggers and think how awesome it must be to have five years of home videos they can watch from anywhere. Not only that, they are getting connected with fellow family vloggers while making a few dollars to pay for fun adventures or cool things to use in their videos.

Journaling (in this case Vlogging daily) is a great way to reflect on one’s life and to make good decisions (or at least fun ones). When I plan my day, I now think, “will this be fun, exciting, or interesting enough for the vlog?”

I view every day as a challenge to do something fun and creative for the vLog.

I Like IT!

I have done daily challenges before.

The thing about Vlogging is that I love videos. I love films.

Love making them, watching them, studying them, and learning more about the process.

I did enjoy those other experiments, but I didn’t have the same passion for them. Also, the YouTube channel is getting more people interested than any of those other things I have done.

The Video

Here is the video announcement of vlogging daily.

And You?

What are you working on?

How are you challenging yourself?

I would love to hear about it! If you add it in a comment below, I guarantee I will read it.

Thank you and stay creative!

Jason Love