I am very excited for this to be my 100th BLOG post. I figure to celebrate I would share information on my blog’s analytics, how many views I receive, and the source of my traffic.
Some Cool Facts About my Blog
- I published my first post on February 15, 2010 (2 years & 9 months ago).
- Since my first post I have covered a wide variety of Topics including: me testing the blog, To nonsense, Cool artwork, Biographies, and more.
My Blog Visitors Statistics
- In October 2012 I received 1,252 page views from 452 visits made up of 303 unique users.
- The Average Visitor Duration is 4 minutes and 41 seconds
- My Bounce Rate is 54.65% (how often people only look at one page on my site and then leaves)
- % of new visitors is 65.93%
Blog Traffic Statistics
- 6.19% from Search Traffic
- 71.02% Referral from other sites
- 21.45% Direct Traffic (put my web address into URL bar)
- 1.33% Campaigns
The majority of my traffic is coming from comments I leave with my web address at the bottom under my name.
-Jason Love
-Jason Love
Some websites frown upon this so I only comment on those that allow me to. I don’t leave my name and web address on every comment. Only on ones I feel I have written a lot and added to the conversation. If I write to say I like a post and all I say is “I like this post” I do not leave my web address because I did not add to the content.
I hope you have found this information helpful and hurray for my 100th Blog POST!