We’ve all been there.

Looking at a blank screen with sad eyes and no ideas. You eventually want to jump into the screen and strangle that blinking cursor till it blinks its last blink.

This state of mind is affectionately called writers block; which can progress to “author’s madness” and end with a forced psychological evaluation in response to me standing naked, yelling out my window at random stranger to “Just give me a sentence”…. That’s a story for another time.

To stay away from a fate involving padded walls and a cafeteria that bands the use of metal silverware is different depending on your personality. To make it easier, I asked 5 famous writers how they deal with the fearsome writer’s block.

1 – Neil Gaiman on writer’s block
Don’t think about being blocked and keep writing.


2 – Joss Whedon on writer’s block
Have multiple projects so if you get stuck, jump to something else and return later.


3 – Alan Moore on writer’s block
Let your mind wonder and follow it with your writing.


4 – Kevin Smith on writer’s block
This is something all comic book readers should watch!

It covers the history of Comic Books, a look at how politics play a role in the scripts, and some of the people behind our favorite characters.

You need to watch this!

As a kid and even today, I don’t consider myself a comic book guy.

I enjoy the stories and love reading them, but I am not very knowledgeable about the history of the characters, the name of writers, or a lot of the back stories about my favorite characters.

I partially blame this on the fact that as a kid my parents did let me buy comics because we didn’t have the money. I had the choice of buying a comic book or renting a video game over the weekend and video games won every time.

This is one of the reasons I found this video so fascinating.

A few things I took from this video:

  • Some people see Superman as the greatest superhero of them all. They say that at the begging of the video and I have to disagree!
  • Comic books were more politics than I realized.
  • Wonder Woman’s creator is amazingly interesting.
  • Marvel filled for Bankruptcy in the ’90’s
Let me know what you thought of the video in the comment section below!